- You put a nailpolish on, and it looks stunning, and all you wanna do is keep stroking your face with the palm of your hand so people notice. 2nd time you put it on, it looks crap. Anyone else find this?
- My nails are not in the greatest condition, I'm happy to admit that. Which means that nailpolish hardly ever wears well. I guess this one's my fault though.
- My nailpolish chips like the paint on shabby chic furniture (ie. a lot). I dunno if this down to the poor quality of my nails again, but it sure as hell means that if I'm sporting a red nailpolish look on Monday, I get the whole 'Ke$ha' (shudder) effect on Wednesday.
But this is most definitely my favourite nailpolish -
I got this in H&M, cost be about 2 bob, no love lost. However, this nailpolish is perfect for me. It satisfies my penchant for all things nude, it dries quicker than Hussain Bolt and stays on for quite a while. All in all, I keep going back to this nailpolish. So much so, it was mentioned in my 8 Most Worn Tag - hello shameless plug!
Also, in the daylight, it adopts a sort of pinku/lilacy feel. It never stops giving!
Hope you like my NOTD post. I'll try and do more :)
hello lovely :) in regards to your comment on my blog, which was lovely of you to have left, i am living in Australia (currently back in the UK for a visit now though). I moved there in August, but all of my family except my mum and step dad live in the UK, so they send me gifts in the post. Your blog is very sweet by the way!
@Faye - Awwww, Faye, its nice of you to comment on my blog personally. Wouldn't see many others do that! I hope you're enjoying Asutralia, your tan is to die for :) Big fan of your blog btw, hope to speak to you soon :) xx
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